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Conversations at Beares

A journey through the rich history of violinmaking that brings together music, mathematics, philosophy and arts for the delight of all senses.

A partnership between Beares Publishing and the J & A Beare Scientific Research & Conservation departments

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Violins are on the crossroad of Art and Science.To understand how they came to be, one would need to start the journey in Ancient Greece with Euclid and his geometric principles; then follow Alexander the Great’s footprints through the motley Persian and Indian cultures; the way back to Europe would trail caravans of Arabic scholars to Andalusia, before taking a flight together with the Jews towards the fertile planes of the Po river in the Northern Italy. 


Events are led Anna Saldadzé, Editorial Director of Beares Publishing and Robert Brewer Young, Director of J & A Beare Scientific Research and Conservation department. Through these ‘Conversations’ we invite the audience members to discover and explore one aspect of the rich history of this versatile instrument at a time, drawing bridges between music, mathematics, philosophy and arts. 

Conversations at Beares are private Invitation Only events. Please subscribe below to be notified of the upcoming gatherings. 

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